Pegasus Bioplastics Solutions is where innovation meets the dream of tomorrow; "Zero Waste" is becoming a reality one step at a time. At Greenbough, we have peeked into the future where recycled biowaste and hemp crops are used to create construction materials that cover a range of industries. Based in Florida, ...
Regenerative Farming
To achieve the goal of 4 tons of hemp per acre, regenerative farming practices are essential. By revitalizing the soil and using natural methods, we ensure long-term sustainability and increased yields.
We’re fully powered by the sun! With agrivoltaics, we integrate solar energy directly into our farm operations, reducing our environmental footprint while boosting productivity through clean, renewable power.
Turning waste into value! Our waste-to-energy system processes bamboo and other byproducts into fuels, jet fuel for sale, high-grade fertilizer, and biochar—closing the loop and enriching the soil naturally.
Carbon Sequestration
Growing hemp is a win for the planet! With every acre, we actively sequester carbon, helping fight climate change while creating an additional revenue stream through sustainable practices.
Interested in contributing to a safer and more sustainable future? Contact us today to learn more about our mission to turn hemp fibers into fireproof, bulletproof, hurricane-proof, and waterproof plywood substrates. Let's work together to create buildings that are secure and protected from the elements and violence of our turbulent times. Contact us now to start the conversation.